Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

[Ninja Saga] 50 TP/ Day New Mission

Ok Guys, i think all of you already watch the Proof Vidio for this Hack. I'm so sorry if i'm late know this TP mission (Dangerous Potion), I know it yesterday. Then I will Make new one for you. Now you will Get 50 TP / Day Instan, because there are new mission. This Hack Include Daily Activity too: Auto Kill Boss and Complete Daily Task. I Hope This Hack can Help You.

Tutorial :
  1. Download Fiddler2 >> Instal
    (If you already have Fiddler don't do it)
  2. Download the Swf File in Sharebeast
    (Just click the Download Btn at the Right) 
  3. Open Fiddler 2 >> Drag the Swf File
  4. Now Must Clear Chache Your Browser
  5. Login to Ninja Saga
  6. Go to Shop >> Buy The Hack 
  7. Let's try, Enjoy ! ( Happy Cheatings... )

Ditulis Oleh : Aksika's Ed Cyber Linggau ~ Cyber Linggau

Artikel [Ninja Saga] 50 TP/ Day New Mission ini diposting oleh Aksika's Ed Cyber Linggau pada hari Minggu, 25 Maret 2012. Terimakasih atas kunjungan Anda serta kesediaan Anda membaca artikel ini. Kritik dan saran dapat anda sampaikan melalui kotak komentar.

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